Home Western Harbor Scatter My Ashes A Land Called Minnsota Rejoice
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Gerry Ouellette
Singer & Songwriter


Gerry  has performed throughout the Midwest and the Great Lakes region, producing an extensive collection of songs sharing the stories and history of the area.  Two of his CDs, Western Harbor, and Scatter My Ashes, focus on Lake Superior and the Great Lakes, with songs that have grown out of personal experience on the water. They speak of the places visited, and of the people and events that are a part of the region’s past and present.  Another CD, A Land Called Minnesota, is filled with tales, both historic and fanciful, of the place he calls home.

Check out the music by clicking on the CD's.  You can order copies of the CD’s though this website.  You may also contact Gerry at gtouellette@gmail.com  with questions or requests for personal appearances and performance.

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The music is filled with the stuff of lives lived, adventures experienced, and reflections on the passing of events.  Gerry loves a good story, especially when it is told well.  Some of the stories he hears catch his interest, and beg to be retold.  Many of these work their way into song, and the fun is in how the words and music play on each other to convey not only events, but the feelings and impressions of the moments, the events.  And telling a story well is what the songwriter always hopes to do.

 Performance venues have included Festivals, Nightclubs, and Special Events.

Gerry has also worked as a church musician, performing both singly or leading ensembles, including leading song in worship, and performance of original music in concert settings. Two of his CD’s, I Hear You Calling and his most recent release, Rejoice, have come from this tradition.  This material, drawn from words of inspiration, takes time to reflect, celebrate, and have some fun with transitions and growth through life.