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Scatter My Ashes is a collection of songs developed over several years of learning old stories,
 hearing them told by those who lived them,

and living a few of them myself.

Click on the CD to hear a sample


Scatter My Ashes:
 A sentiment that could only come from someone who has spent a lot of time on the water. Taken from the words of a fisherman from the South Shore before he died doing what he loved most, fishing and being out on the Lake.

Every Summer:
I’ve visited a lot of places that are now parkland, owned by us all, and regulated in access and use.  I’ve also had the chance to meet some folks who used to call these places their own.  Thomas Wolfe wrote, You Can’t Go Home Again, and it is true.

Fishing Boats:
Based on the words of Elta Croft, an old friend from the North Shore.  Elta and her husband fished commercially, a very small operation.  There comes a time when the challenge can become too much.  They had to give it up, but others carry on the tradition and face the perils, and enjoy the life made from the bounty of the Lake

One More Mile:
Sometimes our determination gets the best of us.  This is an early “shipwreck” story about Douglas Houghton.  It is true that the Lake is so big, and the craft is so small.

Just A Dream:
Another shipwreck story from long ago with a mysterious and mystical twist.  It is the tale of the last trip or the Waubuno and the unusual events that preceded the trip.

Irish Mist:
It is metaphor for leaving a home that lives in memory, that lives in the heart.  The story that inspired this piece happened on the lake a long time ago.

Dream of the Sea:
Old sailors, and some recent ones too name their boats, their ships.  They take on a personality, a life of their own.  Why shouldn’t their longings be as deep and meaningful as the hands that kept them in repair and steered them through the weather and the years.

The Book Says:
OSHA wasn’t around when the lighthouses were staffed by people, hardy and determined souls with a noble and vital duty.  Don’t let the job description fool you when it calls for light-house keeping.

Heave Ho:
Isn’t that what they say when it’s time for heavy lifting.  Let me tell you about a trip across the Lake.

Take Me Back: 
Romance, the sun, the moon on the water.  The air is warm, and the company – well it couldn’t be better.

Deo Volente:
Latin for God Willing, and the name of a special boat.  Come along for a ride.

Jim Marshall loved the Lake.  He loved life, and he lived it to the fullest.  When it’s time to dock the Skipper Sam in heaven, they will have to call on Jim to bring it in